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Monday, October 26, 2015

Graduate Student Group Degree Plan Call

Attended a webinar tonight with host Bob Curtis (an IT Student Mentor), lasted an hour and was full of good information! One thing he mentioned is that we already have access to a lot of the course work and can get started to "try it before we buy it", making sure we know what we're getting into. You don't official get locked into WGU and owe money until you hit the "enroll" button on your degree plan, which has to also be approved by your mentor. I love that! He wanted to make it clear that there is a LOT of writing involved...which sadly, I already knew, ha. Looking forward to the challenge! So I'm going to get started tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Just nine days left until I start classes! I received a (generic) email from my student mentor, Kirk, today outlining several things, including two upcoming webinars to attend. Also, a couple pages of questions to answer and shoot back, basically asking my expierence, planned time to complete the degree, reasoning for obtaining the degree and so on. I should be receiving another email in the next few days to pick out an available time slot to speak with him on the phone. They expect it to last around 30 minutes according to the email, and what I've seen others say as well. Getting close!

After I start, there will be far less posts as the start process will be complete. Additionally, there's only so much I can really talk about once I start taking the classes since I can't post specifics at that point about the class and work itself. WGU has rules against that, plus it's not ethically right.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Orientation and a Webinar

My WGU orientation became available today. The orientation is to be completed before you can start your first course and is available starting on the 15th of the month prior to the month you're suppose to start your first term. They say it will take 2-6 hours, it took me about 4, with many breaks in between. My only complaint is that they go over things that you won't have access to until your first term. Not much more to say about this, it's an introduction to WGU and their system and 90% of it you will already know if you did all the research possible into WGU prior to applying, which I did. I also came across today a note that there would be an hour webinar tonight for "Preparing for Success at WGU: Building your Writing Toolkit". They pretty much just go over writing resources and talking about APA citation. One thing to note, while I can sign into My.WGU.Edu, I can't sign into their mobile app. Will be contacting support about this. Finally, I'll be confirming course plan tomorrow with my console. Another update tomorrow if I feel it's needed.

Monday, October 12, 2015

LinkedIn: Let's Get connected!

For those of you reading this, if you'd like to connect with me, you can do it on LinkedIn.

View Dustin Alcock's profile on LinkedIn