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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Degree Plan

With any luck, this is my degree plan. This will allow me to finish my master degree in just two terms. The first number is the number of weeks I hope it takes me. First two courses are now complete at the time of this posting. Clearly I have to step up my game and stop procrastinating to meet these goals.

Current and Emerging Technology 11/01 - 12/18
Cyberlaw 12/18 - 3/07
2- Risk Management - 3/06 - 3/20


5- Disaster Recovery - 4/6 - 5/22  
4- Tech Writing- 5/22 - 6/5   
5- Advanced Networking- 6/5 - 7/3
4- IT Management- 7/3  -  7/21
4- Power and Influence- 7/21 - 8/14
4- Tech Globalization- 8/15 - 9/4
4- Capstone Written- 9/5 - 10/2
3- Capstone Oral- 10/3- 10/20

Cyberlaw, Regulations, and Compliance - TFT2

Course date: December 20th, 2015 - March 9th, 2016
Task 1: 5 pages including cover and citation page. Accepted on 1st submission.
Task 2: 5 pages including cover and citation page. Accepted on 1st submission.
Task 3: 7 pages including cover and citation page. Accepted on 5th submission.
Task 4: 12 pages including cover and citation page. Accepted on 3rd submission.

December 20th, 2015
After a couple days off, I've started TFT2.  This is going to be a harder one because of the amount of reading material. Did I mention I hate reading? Oh joy!

After reading a little bit, I decided to skip ahead and take a look at Task 1. After seeing it, I felt pretty confident I could knock it the task out and continue reading while it is in for review.  I usually am around 100 in line on TaskStream, 47 this time, woot! Should get word back tomorrow, I hope.

December 21th, 2015
Task 1 accepted on first submission!

December 22nd, 2015
Task 2 submitted. Number 77. I don't expect to get word back until the 24th.
I found this task much more difficult than Task 1.  You really think about what would prevent the breach and then look through a lot of documents to find standards and recommendations to keep it from happening in the future.  Figuring out how to cite the ISO documents....well, I'll find out IF I figured it out when the review is done, haha.

December 22nd, 2015
Task 2 accepted on first submission!

March 2nd, 2016
Yeah...that's right, over 2 months later, ha! After Task 2, I got off course and took a month and a half break.  Finally I started working on Task 3 and it kicked my butt for a month! After 5 revisions, the paper was finally accepted on 2/20/2016...almost two months since Task 2! Yikes!  Finally getting that paper completed gave me the boost I needed to keep going.  Yesterday I submitted Task 4, the final task for the class.  I'm hoping to hear back tomorrow or the following day for sure.  Until then, I've already started on my third class, Risk Management.

March 6th, 2016
Task 4 was sent back for some revisions. Knocked the revisions out in a couple of hours and resubmitted.

March 9th, 2016
Task was sent back because I lacked a few key words in my long explanation of two sections. Added, submitted, passed! TFT2 is complete and now time to focus on JIT2.