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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Risk Management - JIT2

March 2nd, 2016 - April 6th, 2016
Task 1 Part A: 10 pages including cover page and sources page (none)
Task 1 Part B: 9 pages including cover page and sources page (none)
Task 1 Part C: 3 pages including cover page and sources page (none)
Total: 22 pages, accepted on first attempt!

March 2nd, 2016
Here we go! While waiting for my final paper to be accepted for Cyberlaw, I'm getting a jump start on Risk Management.  Today I spent a couple of hours on the course.  The pacing guide sets you up to complete the course in 4 weeks.  The course mentor is putting on events and stating that with her cohort, it can be completed in about 10 days.  That being said, I'm honestly hoping to knock this class out in 14 days.  I have the rubric outline of the paper created and ready to go.  Looking through the course material, should be able to complete 60% of the class this weekend.  The longest part, besides the task, is going to be reading a bunch of chapters.  Speaking of the task...there's only 1, however, it's a big one! I guess it's three huge sections to complete, oh joy!

April 6th, 2016
The cohort helped a little with defining what you should include in the task, but wasn't as helpful as I thought it might be.  I suppose that's because you have to remember that at WGU, it's 99% all self taught, so the cohort gives some guidance but don't expect clear answers and explanations of content. You may get that by contacting course mentors directly though.  While the schedule they give you is completely obtainable if you're an avid reader....I'm not so I took my sweet time.

There is only a single task for JIT2 and it's actually not that bad!  It is however long.  The task is split into 3 sections, A, B, and C.  I made a separate document for each section but submitted them all at the same time.  It was accepted on my first attempt.

Term 1 is completed 4 weeks early and I'm already starting on FXT2, Disaster Recovery! Yay!